Offering Fellowships

Voqal Fellowship Frequently Asked Questions

Voqal recently held a webinar for applicants that generated a number of helpful questions. Those questions (and the answers) can be found here

What is the Voqal Fellowship?

The Voqal Fellowship is an investment in a new generation of social entrepreneurs. Fellows receive financial resources and specialized programming to bring an early-stage idea to life. The Voqal Fellowship is an opportunity for innovators to test assumptions for creating lasting, systemic change.

Voqal Fellows receive a $30,000 stipend to think through an idea over six months to prepare for the next stages of inception. Candidates cannot be currently enrolled in a full-time educational program. The fellowship is intended to provide an opportunity to build out an idea or concept that would not be possible to accomplish with a full-time job. Qualifying fellows may also be eligible to receive an additional stipend to help offset the cost of personal health insurance.

The Voqal Fellowship is designed to further progressive, social justice-oriented causes. Ideal applicants will have a specific issue or challenge they want to address over the course of the fellowship. Projects can be broad in scope, or a simple tool that will help resolve a social inequity or lead to progressive social change.

How can I apply?

When applications are open, you can apply online at

What is required of Fellows?

Fellows must treat these six months as a sabbatical and refrain from full-time work. All fellows must prepare a final presentation that demonstrates growth and learning.

Voqal Fellows must attend an in-person orientation and a wrap-up meeting. The orientation is in January in Denver and the wrap-up meeting is at the annual Netroots Nation conference in August (location varies each year). Voqal will cover travel expenses in addition to the fellowship stipend.

I applied for the last round of the Fellowship. Can I apply again?

Yes, if you are still eligible.

How many Fellows are chosen?

For 2020, Voqal will recruit eight fellows.

When will Fellows start?

Start dates are somewhat flexible. Once selected, fellows can start as early as January 1, 2020, through March 31, 2020.

Who is an ideal candidate?

Ideal candidates for the fellowship are driven social change agents who thrive under self-direction. We are recruiting creative thinkers with a track record of advancing social change and/or using innovative solutions to help communities.

Does location matter?

The Voqal Fellowship is virtual and Fellows can be based anywhere in the United States. However, we are especially interested in locations where we have a broad base of partners: Chicago, Denver, Twin Cities and Portland. Voqal will not consider international projects.

Candidates must be U.S. citizens or be able to verify their identity and eligibility to work in the United States and be based in the United States for the duration of the fellowship. Voqal cannot offer Visa sponsorship to fellows.

Is there an age limit for Fellows?

The Fellowship is designed for early career professionals working on an idea-stage project. We are aware that people take many different paths along their career track so if you consider yourself to be in the early stages of your current career, we encourage you to apply.

What types of projects are you looking for?

If you have a passion for social justice, progressive politics or transformative media and technology, this program is for you. Here are a few (but not all) areas where fellows can work in:

  • Economic Justice
  • Educational Justice
  • Environmental Justice
  • Health Justice
  • Immigrant Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • LGBTQIA+ Justice

Will there be opportunities to connect with other Fellows?

Yes. There will be two in-person gatherings each fellow cycle, an orientation and a wrap-up meeting. We will also organize monthly check-ins and educational opportunities to help fellows troubleshoot and share ideas with one another. Fellows will also be assigned coaches and peer supporters for the duration of the fellowship.